Offset Null Entertainment, LLC Software and Graphic Design Solutions

BlowTorch Chat Window Plugin Update

With the BlowTorch Test version 4 release, some fixes have also come to the chat window, as well as tweaked ui use. Please update your BlowTorch Test installation to the latest version 4 before updating this plugin. The version indicator for the most up to date version is 1.14.

For those with it already installed, you should be able to auto update from the MENU->Options->Chat Window->Check Update
For those without, please see the earlier Chat Plugin post for installation instructions.
Please read on for more information on changes and new features.

BlowTorch v2 Test Version 4 Update

The first stab at the test version has been out for a while, and many bugs have been reported. A great deal of them have been fixed, as well as some new features. This post is the complete(ish) list of all the things that have been fixed or added in this version.

For those who have the test version installed, it should be notifying you that there is an update available.

For those that dont, please see the BlowTorch v2 Test installation instructions page.

BlowTorch v2 Test Version

It is time for me to release what I've been working on to anyone who would like to try it out.

BlowTorch v2 New Features Guide

There is a demo video that I made about a year ago that shows how to use some of the new features. Some things had changed since then and I am in the process of recording a newer video and getting a better visual demonstration of how the features work. But here is some text as well as the old video.

BlowTorch v2 Test Version Installation Instructions

This shouldn't be too difficult but there are a few steps. All paths are on the sdcard in the /BlowTorch/ root directory. There will be a number of places where search paths are discussed about what dialogs will search where, and they are all relative to this /mnt/sdcard/BlowTorch/ or wherever your external storage happens to be.

BlowTorch Chat Window Plugin

Filter that text! Also yank it out of the main output window and put it in its own littler window where it won't get scrolled away.

The chat window plugin is a pretty simple script, but it has many examples of how to get things done on Android with Lua.